In the Swedish 1901 translation of this part of the Enoch text, I think the message of Enoch has been much more clearer translated than in the English translations. The Swedish translation is based on a German translation, and seems to have a direct aim at us who lives now. I have completed the Schodde English text with the Swedish interpretation, so you'll see what I mean. First the Schodde text, and then the completed text:
1. "But when they write all my words in rectitude in their languages, and do not change or abridge anything of my words, but write all in rectitude, all that I have first testified on their account, then I know another mystery, that books will be given to the just and to the wise for joy and for rectitude and for much wisdom.
And the books will be given to them, and they will believe in them and will rejoice in them; and then all the just, who have learned all the paths of rectitude out of them, will be rewarded.
And in those days, says the Lord, "they will call and testify over the sons of the earth concerning their wisdom: show it to them, for ye are their leaders, and the rewards over all the earth. For I and my son will join with them to eternity in the paths of rectitude in their lives. And peace will be to you; rejoice, ye children of rectitude, in truth!"
2. "But when they write all my words in rectitude in their languages, and do not change or abridge anything of my words, but write all in rectitude, all that I have first testified on their account, then I know another mystery, that [the] books will be given to the just and to the wise for joy and for rectitude and for much wisdom.
And the books will be given to them, and they will believe in them and will rejoice in them; and then all the just, who have learned all the paths of rectitude out of them, will be rewarded.
And in those days, says the Lord, they will call and testify [to] the sons of the earth concerning the wisdom [of these books]. Show it to them, ye [who] are their leaders, and the rewards over all the earth. For I and my son will join with them to eternity in the paths of rectitude in their lives. And peace will be to you; rejoice, ye children of rectitude, in truth!"*
What comes forth much clearer here is that when the people of God starts to translate the books (meaning the five parts of the book) of Enoch rightly in the last days, these books will be given (by God) to His people, and they will begin to believe in them again. And then there is a direct calling to the leaders in the last days, to publish and to preach about this book!
When I was working with a modernisation of the Swedish text, and read that and really understood what it says, I felt as if the words were aimed directly to me. It was like that which I was doing was foretold, 5000 years ago, and that this old prophet's words were in effect directly into my life.
I encourage you to do the same. Publish the book in your own language, if it's not done, or not newly done. Make sure it is correctly translated. Use this interlinear to check and compare. Who can do this better than the people of God? We have a calling to do so, and the blessing will be upon us, mightily. For the end is near, and this book is written for the last generation and will have a hugh role in things to come.
* That this is the correct meaning of the text is of course no news. Maybe you knew that all the time. But it needs to be told more boldly.
"At the same time, 104:12-13, though referring to books to be given to the righteous (who in turn are exhorted to give to the children of the earth) , seems to have in mind the enochic writings themselves, which shall be disclosed during the (fictive) future of the patriarch."
From "1 Enoch 91-108" by Loren T. Stückenbruck, p 221, p 254. Also, p 443: "the text predicts that the Enochic books will be given to the "righteous and the wise".
This is happening right now.