Sunday, August 29, 2010


How to understand Enoch 104:12 - 105:1-2

In the Swedish 1901 translation of this part of the Enoch text, I think the message of Enoch has been much more clearer translated than in the English translations. The Swedish translation is based on a German translation, and seems to have a direct aim at us who lives now. I have completed the Schodde English text with the Swedish interpretation, so you'll see what I mean. First the Schodde text, and then the completed text:

1. "But when they write all my words in rectitude in their languages, and do not change or abridge anything of my words, but write all in rectitude, all that I have first testified on their account, then I know another mystery, that books will be given to the just and to the wise for joy and for rectitude and for much wisdom.
And the books will be given to them, and they will believe in them and will rejoice in them; and then all the just, who have learned all the paths of rectitude out of them, will be rewarded.
And in those days, says the Lord, "they will call and testify over the sons of the earth concerning their wisdom: show it to them, for ye are their leaders, and the rewards over all the earth. For I and my son will join with them to eternity in the paths of rectitude in their lives. And peace will be to you; rejoice, ye children of rectitude, in truth!"

2. "But when they write all my words in rectitude in their languages, and do not change or abridge anything of my words, but write all in rectitude, all that I have first testified on their account, then I know another mystery, that [the] books will be given to the just and to the wise for joy and for rectitude and for much wisdom.
And the books will be given to them, and they will believe in them and will rejoice in them; and then all the just, who have learned all the paths of rectitude out of them, will be rewarded.
And in those days, says the Lord, they will call and testify [to] the sons of the earth concerning the wisdom [of these books]. Show it to them, ye [who] are their leaders, and the rewards over all the earth. For I and my son will join with them to eternity in the paths of rectitude in their lives. And peace will be to you; rejoice, ye children of rectitude, in truth!"*

What comes forth much clearer here is that when the people of God starts to translate the books (meaning the five parts of the book) of Enoch rightly in the last days, these books will be given (by God) to His people, and they will begin to believe in them again. And then there is a direct calling to the leaders in the last days, to publish and to preach about this book!

When I was working with a modernisation of the Swedish text, and read that and really understood what it says, I felt as if the words were aimed directly to me. It was like that which I was doing was foretold, 5000 years ago, and that this old prophet's words were in effect directly into my life.

I encourage you to do the same. Publish the book in your own language, if it's not done, or not newly done. Make sure it is correctly translated. Use this interlinear to check and compare. Who can do this better than the people of God? We have a calling to do so, and the blessing will be upon us, mightily. For the end is near, and this book is written for the last generation and will have a hugh role in things to come.

* That this is the correct meaning of the text is of course no news. Maybe you knew that all the time. But it needs to be told more boldly.

"At the same time, 104:12-13, though referring to books to be given to the righteous (who in turn are exhorted to give to the children of the earth) , seems to have in mind the enochic writings themselves, which shall be disclosed during the (fictive) future of the patriarch."

From "1 Enoch 91-108" by Loren T. Stückenbruck, p 221, p 254. Also, p 443: "the text predicts that the Enochic books will be given to the "righteous and the wise".

This is happening right now.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Astronomy confirms the accuracy of the Book of Enoch

I have discovered something very interesting in the Book of Enoch. In the 18th chapter, he is describing a journey with the angels, where they are flying in an angelic "spaceship" southwards on the earth, and coming to a place where there are pillars of heavenly fire. To me, this sounds like they were flying over Africa (from the Middle East), and coming to the South Pole, and watching the Southern Lights.

Enoch describes how he is passing several mountains, which quite well fits in with the mountains in east and south Africa. He passes over where the "waters collect", which obviously is where the oceans gather south of Africa. Then when they come to the place further south, he sees a deep rift, or abyss, which would suggest that Antarctica at that time was free from ice. And we know that there are ancient maps that seem to depict Antarctica as an ice-free landmass.

Now, over this abyss, where the heavenly fire goes up and down like immense pillars, there are seven stars. This is of course not stars here on earth, but stars hovering over the South Pole horizon. A well known formation of seven stars is the Pleiades. Were the stars Enoch saw the Pleiades? Several things seems to confirm this. Firstly, the angels tells him that certain fallen angels were to be bound to those stars, because of their mingling with women on earth.

This story is very similar to myths in Greece and Mesopotamia. In the Greek myth, seven women were put in the starry heaven because of their mingling with the Titans, by which they were made pregnant. This is also a clear parallel to Genesis 6. And in Enoch, which describes this story in detail, we read, in the chapter after chapter 18, that the women who were seduced by the fallen angels, were to be imprisoned together with those angels, among those seven stars. These Greek women were called the Pleiades, and therebye we know that those seven stars in Enoch must be the Pleiades.

Then there is also a myth from Mesopotamia, where seven demons were bound as seven stars in the sky. Also here those stars are identified as the Pleiades. This star formation was very well-known to all the ancients, because of its beautiful appearance and for its role for agricultural dates.

Thus we can be quite sure that the stars Enoch saw on the horizon above Antarctica, were the Pleiades.

Read the rest of the article here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


and the 2000-year ticks

SOMEONE SAYS (concerning this post): The ZODIAC? What has that to do with the Word of God? Well, plenty. Who put the stars on the firmament? Who made the constellations? God, of course.

So if we find that some of the most important events in the Bible occurs during the same passage as when the constellations in the sky passes from one sign to the other, then we ought to notice that, and learn from it.

Those who missuse these signs and constellations for astrology doesn't take away the fact that it was God Almighty who gave these signs to us:

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" (Gen. 1:14).

So, the Zodiac, or the Mazzaroth in Hebrew, is God's clock. By this we now know, that we are living in a time when something really important is about to happen. And those of the enemy knows it too, and here's were we have our struggle.

Image: Mosaic pavement of a 6th century synagogue at Beit Alpha, northern Israel.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Hidden Enoch Scroll

The Aramaic Enoch Scroll is a non-published, privately owned, complete copy of the Book of Enoch.

There is no absolute public proof of its existence, but according to the former chief editor of the official Dead Sea Scrolls editorial team, John Strugnell (deseased 2007), the scroll is well preserved, and microfilmed. Strugnell was shown the microfilm in 1990, during the Kuwait crisis, but was never able to buy it for the editorial team.

Another person who has stated having seen the scroll or the microfilm, is Gerald Lankester Harding, who was the director of Jordan's Department of Antiquities (1936-1956).


The scroll is said to have been found in the Qumran "Cave 11", in 1956, together with the other, already publicized scrolls and fragments. This cave was found by the same Bedouin, Abu Dahoud, who found the first cave in 1947.

Apart from this and another scroll from Cave 11 that Strugnell had seen personally, he had heard Harding speak of at least 2 never published scrolls from the same find. These, or some of them, were at that time (the Kuwait crisis) about to be bought by private, probably European collectors or bankers. The reason for buying them was for investments. Although Strugnell had arranged with serious buyers who would publicize the scrolls, he was not able to convince the owners to sell.

Abu Dahoud has confirmed that he and 10 other men found the cave, and sold the scrolls to many different people.


The importance of a complete Aramaic manuscript of the Book of Enoch could be immense. A DSS scholar writes: "No trace of the Parables of Enoch has been discovered at Qumran, and it is widely considered today to be a composition of the later first century C.E. If a pre-Christian copy of the Parables were ever discovered, it would create a sensation".

The Parables is a part of the Ethiopian translation of the Book of Enoch. It is disputed how old it is and if it was originally a part of Enoch (although today most scholars believe it to be pre-Christian). If it was proven to have been a part of the original Aramaic book, it would mean that all of its prophecies concerning the coming Son of Man, which no one can mistake for non other than Jesus, would have been written before Jesus was born.

A complete aramaic book of Enoch would also correct possible translation errors in the Ethiopic versions.

1. "An Interview with John Strugnell", Biblical Achaeology Review, july/aug 1994.
2. Avi Katzman, Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls, p. 262.
3. N. Silberman, The Hidden Scrolls: Christianity, Judaism & the War for the Dead Sea Scrolls (1994), p.162.
4. g-megillot - Scholarly discussion of the Dead Sea Scrolls
5. Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls
6. A New Translation - The Dead Sea Scrolls, p. 279
7. James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament, (1985), p. 89.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Introduction to the Enoch Interlinear

"And after that my grandfather Enoch gave me the teaching of all the secrets in the book in the Parables which had been given to him, and he put them together for me in the words of the book of the Parables." (Enoch 1912 68:1)

IMAGE: Two of the fragments of the Arameic Book of Enoch

It is the standpoint and settled belief of the editor of this website (after asking the Lord and having a holy experience in the Spirit, that the Book of Enoch is a work of God, (in its entirety), and that it is to be received in the same way as the Bible - although, as it is older, it is not supposed to be included in the Bible.

The Book of Enoch stands for itself, as the "bible" of the predeluvian world, and it has been preserved for us all through history, but especially for three main periods: the time of Noah, the time of the first coming of Jesus, and the time of the second coming of Jesus.

Interestingly, these three periods are separated by almost exactly 2000 years (which is appr. the same as the Zodiac's precession of about 2150 years):

1. ~2400 BC: Preparing for Noah's flood and the saving of Noah's family.
2. ~300 BC: Preparing for the destruction of the kingdom of Israel and for the saving of the NT saints.
3. ~1700 AD: Preparing for the Holocaust, the Harmagedon? and for the saving of the Endtime saints.

As we can see, God's clock is ticking, and the Book of Enoch is very much included in His plans for the ages.